I finally finished my Christmas animation. I was very buissy so i didn't have alot of time to make it. I had one day left. it took me 7 hours to make it... 15 if you count the breaks. At (3:00 AM) i made the final touch and uploaded it to newgrounds. I was time pressed so i couldn't make it as perfect as i wanted to, but i thought *if you cant make it perfect, then at least make what you had in mind.* and so i did. It's not "amazing" i guess. But it's kinda good for a first animation if you ask me. The others i am gonna' make will be alot better, since i wont be time pressed. I really hope you like it, or at least find it a bit funny. Have a Merry Christmas. And Happy Hollidays, or whatever...
Congrats on your first animation! We all start somewhere so don't worry if its perfect, what matters is that you started to begin with, and it also was good practice for you. What program did you use by the way? Good luck on your future animations and Merry Christmas to you too. :)
I use CS4. I'm thinking about installin' CS5 too. But at the moment, it's CS4 and it's very easy to use so, no problems there.